Top 5 Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer
Gallbladder cancer exists as a relatively uncommon but dangerous illness. People usually reveal no signs at the beginning that might indicate gallbladder cancer until the disease reaches more advanced stages. Identifying the top 5 symptoms of gallbladder cancer during its early stages allows patients to receive better treatment results. In this blog, these symptoms can be easily understood so you can recognise them and get proper assistance when needed.
The gallbladder is under the liver tissue where bile storage occurs while it helps digest fat molecules. The development of cancer leads to quick cell growth of abnormal cells throughout the body. Early diagnosis of gallbladder cancer becomes complicated because its symptoms frequently get confused with other health problems. Let’s explore these key symptoms.
Top 5 Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer
1. Persistent Pain in the Upper Right Abdomen
Gallbladder cancer first indicates itself through persistent pain located in the upper right stomach area underneath the rib cage. Unrelenting dull pain develops and intensifies continuously throughout the upper right part of the stomach. Most individuals mistake this condition for both gallstones and indigestion symptoms.
2. Yellowing of Skin and Eyes (Jaundice)
The presence of jaundice causes yellowing of both the skin and eyes. A tumour that obstructs bile ducts results in bile accumulation throughout the body. Dark urine combined with pale stools and skin itching represent symptoms of the condition. Medical help must be obtained immediately when jaundice becomes present in a patient.
3. Unexplained Weight Loss
When weight disappears unintentionally it serves as a warning sign that needs medical attention. Rapid weight loss together with the loss of appetite are two major symptoms that result when cancer disrupts metabolic functions in the body. A sudden weight decrease with fatigue and weakness requires medical attention.
4. Nausea and Vomiting
The signs of gallbladder cancer trigger frequent episodes of nausea along with vomiting. The bile duct blockages combined with inflammation result in these symptoms that require early medical investigation. Being physically swollen and experiencing discomfort are additional symptoms. Early medical investigation becomes necessary for persistent nausea due to its potential consequences of dehydration together with malnutrition.
5. Lump or Swelling in the Abdomen
Advanced stages of the disease could produce abdominal lump or swelling that becomes evident to some patients. Experimented swelling of the gallbladder can be detected together with swollen tissues in the area. Ignoring any lump discovery is necessary even though it produces no pain symptoms. To explore suspected abnormal tissue growth doctors conduct exams with diagnostic tests such as ultrasounds and CT scans.
When to See a Doctor
Seeing only one or multiple symptoms from the top 5 symptoms of gallbladder cancer demands an immediate visit to your doctor. Medical experts expect better medical results when doctors discover gallbladder cancer in its early development stage. The advanced condition of the disease makes surgical removal of the gallbladder an essential treatment option. Experienced specialists should perform gallbladder cancer surgery in Jaipur for Rajasthan residents who need this medical procedure.
How is Gallbladder Cancer Diagnosed?
Different methods help doctors diagnose gallbladder cancer such as the following:
- Ultrasound: To detect any abnormalities.
- CT or MRI scans: To get a detailed view of the affected area.
- Blood tests: To examine liver function and assess the increased bilirubin level in the blood.
- Biopsy: A tissue sample may become necessary for doctors to conduct further examinations.
Treatment Options for Gallbladder Cancer
The treatment plan identifies the specific stage of the cancer for a patient. Common options include:
- Surgery: At the early stages, the removal of the gallbladder along with nearby tissues through surgery blocks the cancer’s spread.
- Chemotherapy: Before the surgical intervention, doctors treat cancer cells or diminish tumour sizes using drug substances.
- Radiation therapy: A healthcare approach that targets symptom relief and patient life quality improvement among people with advanced cancer.
All patients requiring professional advice about their gallbladder cancer treatment should meet with Dr. Saurabh Kalia because he serves as a gallbladder cancer surgeon in Jaipur who specializes in intricate surgical procedures.
Overview – Dr. Saurabh Kalia
Dr Saurabh Kalia maintains his clinical practice as a gastrointestinal surgeon at the Jaipur medical facility. He has dedicated 13 years to his medical career by performing advanced laparoscopic surgeries, GI trauma cases and gallbladder cancer treatments. Dr. Saurabh Kalia serves as Additional Director at CK Birla Hospital where patients appreciate him for his expertise and compassionate care toward patients.